Seifware Inc.
The item master is an organization record template that has unique specifications (weight, dimensions, type, etc.) representing a spare, consumable, chemicals, repairable assets and other type of materials to perform jobs in production, construction, maintenance, operations and other administrative tasks.
This article demonstrates how end-users can prevent creating duplicate item master records based on the vendor/manufacturer part numbers, item description and item characteristics. Since every organization has its unique requirements. The below suggested solution is intended for general use only. Please contact our professional services for guaranteed solutions/support and in-depth item master analysis.
Organizations continuously create and update their item master catalog to fulfill operational, maintenance and procurement needs. Item master duplication is inevitable as data grows in the absence of related quality management processes to identify identical records and enrich key item characteristics.
One of the simplest forms of item master quality management is to compare and identify records that share similar key data:
By displaying similar vendor/manufacturer parts and items while creating or updating an item master record, end-users will get a chance to easily identify possible duplicates. In the below example, item# 300001 has a similar vendor part# CAT-100096 compared to item# 300589 (Valve, Ball) and has the same characteristics of another item# 300501.
Technical Details:
Relationship | From | To | Reference |
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(invvendor.catalogcode,'~',''),' ',''),'<',''),',',''),'>',''),'.',''),'?',''),'/',''),'''',''),'"',''),':',''),';','')
replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(:catalogcode,'~',''),' ',''),'<',''),',',''),'>',''),'.',''),'?',''),'/',''),'''',''),'"',''),':',''),';','')
and (
case when :vendor is null then
(case when :manufacturer is null then 'N/A' else :manufacturer end )
else :vendor end
case when invvendor.vendor is null then
(case when invvendor.manufacturer is null then 'N/A' else invvendor.manufacturer end )
else invvendor.vendor end
itemnum!=:itemnum and itemsetid=:itemsetid and
(item.description=:description and item.classstructureid is null and :classstructureid is null)
:classstructureid is not null and item.classstructureid=:classstructureid and
not exists (
select 1 from itemspec i1 inner join itemspec i2
on i1.assetattrid= i2.assetattrid
and i1.classstructureid= i2.classstructureid
and i1.itemsetid= i2.itemsetid
where i1.itemnum=:itemnum and i2.itemnum=item.itemnum
case when
(case when ''||i1.numvalue is null then i1.alnvalue else ''||i1.numvalue end) is null then 'N/A' else
(case when ''||i1.numvalue is null then i1.alnvalue else ''||i1.numvalue end) end
case when
(case when ''||i2.numvalue is null then i2.alnvalue else ''||i2.numvalue end) is null then 'N/A' else
(case when ''||i2.numvalue is null then i2.alnvalue else ''||i2.numvalue end) end
<table datasrc="similarparts_table" id="similar_parts_table" inputmode="readonly" label="Similar Parts for {0}" parentdatasrc="vendor_details" parentemptylabel="Similar Parts" relationship="similarparts" titleattributes="catalogcode">
<sectionheader id="similarparts_table_sectionheader">
<paramvalues id="similarparts_table__1_sec_params" property="label">
<paramvalue dataattribute="catalogcode" id="similarparts_table__1_sec_param_0" position="0"/>
<tablebody id="1576735767875">
<tablecol dataattribute="itemnum" id="1576735767890"/>
<tablecol dataattribute="item.description" id="1576815741867"/>
<tablecol dataattribute="catalogcode" id="1576811098133"/>
<tablecol dataattribute="vendor" id="1576811145758"/>
<tablecol dataattribute="manufacturer" id="1576811149289"/>
<tabledetails id="15767357678902"/>
<table id="1576813684367" inputmode="readonly" label="Similar Items" relationship="similaritems">
<tablebody id="1576813684383">
<tablecol dataattribute="itemnum" id="1576813730274"/>
<tablecol dataattribute="description" id="1576813739836"/>
<tabledetails id="1576813684414"/>
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